Cheerleading Survival Guide
What do I really need?
White sneakers
What is beneficial for me to have?
In cold weather, cheerleaders will need to wear long sleeve shirts and pants under their uniform. Gloves and hats are also beneficial. We have a great selection of OLP merchandise that you may choose to purchase, but it is not necessary.
A sturdy water bottle. Practices in August and games in September can be very hot.
What is provided with my uniform?
Cheerleaders will receive a cheerleading uniform (shell and skirt), briefs, Game hair bow, Pink October hair bow, Game socks, Pink October socks, poms & practice T-shirt.
The uniform (shell & skirt) and poms must be returned at the end of the season in good condition by the deadline in order to not incur fees. . Uniform shell and skirt must be washed in cold water on the delicate cycle and laid out to dry. DO NOT MACHINE DRY
Cheer practice will be held at the practice location of their assigned football team. For example, 6U cheer squad will practice at the same location as 6U football. The ONLY exception is the beginning of the season when the first few weeks of practice will be held at Weber Field.
All cheerleaders must have parental supervision at practices unless an arrangement has been made with your child’s coach prior to practice and a working contact number is left with the coach.
Cheerleaders must be picked up at the same location where they reported; they will not be allowed to leave the field without you.
Cheerleaders should be ready and on the field 5 minutes prior to the start of practice. Allow time for parking. Warm-ups start promptly at practice time.
Ensure your cheerleader uses the bathroom before practice!! This is extremely important for our younger girls.
Additional practices/Alternate days – Rarely, practices may change date, time or location due to school conflict, prediction of poor weather or other factors determined by your coaching staff. The cheer director or your coach will relay that information to you. All league changes will be sent via email and posted on the website.
Game schedules will be decided by the Tri-County Football League, the week before games start. (Historically the last week of August) See for details and field locations.
The first weekend of games will be the weekend following the Labor Day holiday.
Your child is STRONGLY encouraged to attend all games, home and away. Most games are within 30 minute radius of O’Fallon.
There are a total of 9 regular season games played once weekly on Saturday or Sunday, though some teams may have a bye week. Playoffs begin immediately following the regular season.
We ask that you emphasize to your cheerleader that anytime that they wear their uniform; they are representing OLP and should conduct themselves accordingly.
Cheer squads will be divided as soon as possible after football teams are divided in August.
All efforts will be made to honor peer, team and coach requests, but requests are not guaranteed.
Once teams are assigned there will be no switching or moving of teams. All changes must be requested and approved by the Cheerleading Director.
Code of Conduct
ALL PARTICIPANTS AND PARENTS HAVE SIGNED A WAIVER STATING THE CLUB’S EXPECTATIONS. You are responsible for ensuring that you have full understanding of this waiver.
Support your child, no coaching from the sideline.
Please remember your child’s coach is volunteering their time. Respect and Support their position as your child’s coach.
Adhere to our code of conduct to create a fun and positive environment. Set a good example for the kids.
No use of profanity, screaming at other cheerleading/football teams or their fans, or other unsportsmanlike conduct allowed.
Fighting in the stands is not tolerated and will result in you being asked to leave and possibly effect your ability to attend future games.
Complaints/Resolution of Issues
Concerns should first go through your head coach. If the problem remains unresolved, the head coach and Cheer Director will attempt to reach a resolution. Any issue that continues to remain unresolved will be brought to the Board of Directors.
Additional Information
No parking in the grass or next to the curb on Agnes Rd at Weber Field. This applies to all practices and games. Please use the parking lot located on Weber Rd. Parking at the Press Box is for Board Members ONLY. Parking on Agnes Rd or in the grass may result in your vehicle being towed at your expense.
We are on O’Fallon Township High School property, please abide by the following guidelines:
Pick up your trash. It is our responsibility to leave the fields in the same or better condition than we receive them.
No smoking.
No drugs or alcohol.
No pets.
OLP is a volunteer-run organization. We are only as good as our volunteers and we appreciate all help! Please consider coaching, joining a committee or asking your coach for other opportunities.
It is encouraged to take your cheerleader to OTHS football games.
Football is played in all weather conditions excluding lightning and heavy rain/snow. You should prepare yourself and your cheerleader for the variety of playing conditions that they will encounter. August and September can be very hot; October and November can be very cold. Also, you will most likely participate in a game and/or practice in the rain at some point during the season. Please ensure your child is always hydrated and dressed for the elements.
Your football team will be assigned a team coordinator who will be able to assist your with most questions throughout the season related to your football team, game location, . Make sure that your contact information is current. You will receive emails from OLP organization, the Cheerleading Director and your coach that contains information such as game time, game location, arrival time and volunteers for the week. It is important to check your email for updates frequently.
Check the website for updates, including a up to date calendar of upcoming events, fundraisers etc.